
Preclinical Experimental Design & Reporting Workshop — October 1, 2016

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) have identified two themes underlying the lack of reproducibility and translation of preclinical research in general: 1) a lack of training in research design; and 2) deficiencies in the reporting of research. To address these issues, new guidelines have been developed and are being implemented by funding agencies, universities, publishers and journals.

To help preclinical researchers implement these new guidelines, BioCanRx has developed a one-day workshop to introduce researchers to the core reporting items proposed by the NIH and ARRIVE Guidelines. This workshop was first offered to oncolytic virus research trainees and staff in Ottawa and was positively received. 

The Preclinical Experimental Design and Reporting Workshop will be offered before the International Meeting on Replicating Oncolytic Virus Therapy on Saturday, October 1, 2016 from 9AM to 3PM at the Fairmont Waterfront Hotel. To encourage workshop participation, BioCanRx is offering 50% reimbursement of the discounted hotel rate for the evening before the workshop (September 30 evening) to all registered workshop attendees.
Learn more about the workshop here